Wednesday, November 9, 2016

American ET Future

Theresa J Morris
Cosmos Radios
TJ Morris ET Radio
Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris ·
Speaker/Educator at Theresa J Morris

I went between all the major networks watching the Media, ABC,CBS, CNN, NBC, PBC, AND EVEN FOX. It was so obvious that all stations were sharing shock and awe. So many speakers were using “Uh, uh” and they were showing dismay and acted lost. It is time to wake up MEDIA with “Get the Facts – Basics of who, what, when, where, why, how, and sometimes how long, and how much.” Fact Checking the SOURCES and Naming them and stop assuming and attempting to shift the blame on FEAR. Be responsible MEDIA for knowing people – America pay attention to Education and Economy. What do we all want to make better for all? Life in general and the basics of food, clothing, shelter, and the ways and means to make the world a better place which includes responsible reporting. We take care of Americans first then share the wealth with our “MADE IN THE USA” products and services! Report that and be proud to be American. It’s obvious that MEDIA is needing to be revised and revamped. I will do my part to be truthful as an American. TJ Morris American.
by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
 The Following is a REPRINT because we need REMINDING of what is REAL and what is American.

Source: UFODigest.Com URL:

Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris writes about people, places, and things pertaining to “Alien Civilizations Exist!” She is a believer and supporter of the future and the accepts that other solar systems and ascended beings exist! She believes that we are not alone in this universe and that we are being visited by other beings more sophisticated than ourselves. She would be glad to speak on the subject and why she believes so strongly. You can read her articles and books.
by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris 
Posted: 16:00 May 16, 2008

The President of the future America will gain the most powerful position in the world. The next President of the United States will have the power it takes to make all the changes needed at this time on earth. Change is of the times and must happen. This is a time of revealing. This is the PRESIDENT OF FUTURE AMERICA, ET CHANGES OUR FUTURE.
The person who becomes the next president bests be a person with high morals and ethics and know that the people want to know the truth of intelligent beings above in extraterrestrial space. ETs, aliens, those beings that re flying the spacecraft in space are real sentient intelligent beings and it is time we all share in the knowledge.
The next President of the United States had best be up on business and the economy and know that a gallon of gas is as high as a gallon of milk. But, people also want to know the truth about the extra terrestrials flying above earth which have always been a apart of our earthly heritage. The Ufo Hunters and History Channel is only the beginning of the revealing.
Knowing about foreign policy is great but also about the intelligent beings visiting earth. People are beginning to wake up to their own value as voters and politics and religion are becoming dirty words.
I love America, and my blood is blue until I am cut, then it turns red when combined with the outside oxygen. America is bleeding red more now than in the past when we could hold our own blue blood. Now we are bleeding red while the whole world watches. We as Americans must not only look inside our own being but outside as we are part of the whole world. We the microcosms are part of the macrocosm. We are a little world in the universe. America is the heard heartbeat of this world. We are part of the whole but the best part. I venture to say that we are the heart of the world and when we bleed the world bleeds with us.I find it ironic that the Democrats use blue and the Republicans use red as the major party colors. Cut the stars from the stripes before burning our flag. This is the way it is supposed to be done in America to those who become old and ragged. Those of you that are flying our flag take them down if they are old and ragged and burn them. Buy a new one and keep the pride of our flag in tact with our pride of our President. The two icons for our country that means the most! How many American’s have lost their lives for the stars and stripes? How many Presidents have devoted their lives to our country?
America still means freedom, democracy, truth, culture, morals, ethics and traditions. The point is the colors mean something and so does America and our flag. We as Americans need to get back to the basics of life and honor our heritage. Change is good but there is room for the old and the new in America, always has been. We can now share our old ways with all the older countries of the world of which we are all a part but, we can still lead the world into the future. The world wants us to create happiness and success for all. It is the American way and it is contagious in this world.
Our leaders know of other worlds and other intelligent beings. Supreme Beings may not be our creators but there are some that are far more intelligent and belong to older civilizations. Our beliefs go back to our ancestors. Those who keep the wars going are fueling the fires of separation. The strongest religions on earth can be traced back to our ancestor’s beliefs. Look at the story of Abraham and the two sons which separated in the stories of our ancestors in the Holy Bible and Holy Quran. Both books and religions stem from the same story so why all the religious wars? They are simply stories in history of our ancestors past after arriving on earth. Fighting about the past is futile.
Regardless, we are all one humanoid species on earth. Religion spreads separation among the sentient intelligent beings species and we are all one and the same. We should not be fighting because of our beliefs of our past. We should have progressed past these futile fights and wars. Our President of the United States will need to promote a world without separation based on religious beliefs of our ancestors. There is a way to make the world a better place. We can honor cultural traditions without calling them religions and honor our land heritage based on birth without fighting turf wars.
We are alive on earth and in the future it will not matter which continent you arrived on at the time of birth. This label or stigmatism needs to disappear just like the colors of skin biases in the world. We have no say so as to what color our skin is at time of birth. We also have no say so as to what our location, and religion is at time of birth. Who really cares and why does it matter so? War is futile unless it is with others above whom are going to show up and desire to take our world from us. This is what the original stories and religions were for in the first place. To keep the real story of those who come from stellar space above in our conscious awareness. There are some who are like us as humanoids, and there are some that are not. The time is now to realize the truth about what all the fuss was really about with all the churches. This does not mean we have to give up the churches but we do have to give up the bias beliefs. Countries cannot continue to breed prejudice of religions. But, also, academics cannot keep breeding ignorance about our origin from earthly ooze or promoting Darwin’s theory. We are put here by others who are sentient intelligent beings and they look like us. The enemies are those who come from another part of the universe, that are of the warring kind and take what they want with no remorse about killing our kind.
There seem to be more concerns about daily lifestyles than who will be running our country. History proves that we will survive in America no matter what the rest of the world is doing. But, we cannot think that way in our future. We must accept that the President of future America also changes our future world. We are preparing for the changes and the careful planning of the world because it is time and this is the PRESIDENT OF FUTURE AMERICA, ET CHANGES OUR FUTURE. We have to accept that our whole world is home to all and what effects one part of our world as home effects us all in the world. We are all one sentient intelligent being species. We are all humanoids of the same DNA and genetic heritage.
There are many people in the United States that want what is right for our country. They want to have honest people elected to office to make changes where we see problems. We need people who have solutions and ones we all can agree too. Honest pay for an honest days work. That is the American philosophy. Now, we can barely afford to get to work due to fuel prices. We have to choose between needed drugs for our health and food and fuel. Food, clothing, and shelter, the basics now include fuel, health care, prescriptions, childcare, and the air that we breathe. We need someone who cares about not just America’s survival but, our world’s survival.
One thing that some American’s may not realize is that the world has been talking about dividing up the economy based on continents for years. This is why we can no longer just think that we can stand alone as Americans. We now have to consider that in order to survive in the global economy; we are going to have to accept an alliance of sort with Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and South America. International spending and our global economy is happening and we cannot change this, so, we adapt and overcome.
We need to begin realizing that there is no more “them and us”. There is only the “all of us in the world”. We are only one race of sentient intelligent being species on one planet.
We are still a super power that leads the way for how the world sees it’s self regarding our future economy. There are many countries keeping up with our economy and our politics. Sometimes, it feels as if others outside our own country knows more about our country that we as American’s do. The critical mass of our mental higher consciousness has changed. We are all aware of ourselves and our place on the planet.
Therefore, we need a President that knows that our home and people of America are all desiring change in America and global change. We need to all be working together and the United Nations was a good idea but, there needs to be a better way for all beings on earth to work together.
The thoughts of the Akashic Field and those of the Unified Field are all opening up to allow for all to be revealed to all of us who are open to receive the knowledge with open minds desiring to work together.
Many scholars and academics now addressing the Unified Field Theory and this too will change the world and the way we think about ourselves in the Meta universes. This is a time much like when Columbus sailed the oceans, or when any great discoverer realized there was much more to our lives and our world to discover. We always find more as we expand our own consciousness.
There is an overall world consciousness that is expanding much faster than ever before thanks to the Internet Highway and the World Wide Web. We can now talk openly and freely to the whole world, at least most of us can. We need to make sure that more of us can afford the tools to obtain entry into the new virtual other reality of existence for humankind. This is the way we now communicate with one another in our world.
We are headed to forming a control of votes by voting on computers. We will be able to vote for all our world leaders that can make changes for all of us. We will not even have to leave our own homes in the future. We can work from home on computers. We will also be able to control our homes security, our satellite communications, incoming and outgoing signals for our listening and visual pleasures. Many of us already receive education on Internet through colleges. There are new virtual games. We will have artificial intelligence life forms on earth in the future.
Technological advancements are here to stay. Changes are occurring so fast we cannot store all the information. We cannot let fear and religion control us. Believe in a higher power but not one that separates us with ignorance. People can be taught about ascension and their 22 grams of spirit energy leaving earth without using fear of death and what happens to the soul. The soul is energy that cannot be created or destroyed. Those that prove themselves morally and ethically strong may become future leaders. The charismatic intelligent beings are those who have stronger energy in their souls.
There are some very real and honest, trustworthy Americans and there will be more moral and ethical citizens coming to earth in our future. The war on poverty and drugs is very real. If there is a real cause to fight a war in the world, it is one against ignorance, famine, and poverty. We can lead the world by example, by letting your individual voice be heard in America by voting. We believe in America, and our red, white and blue. We believe in our world and are optimistic about our future. Share the knowledge of truth that alien civilizations exist and we are but one species on one planet.

TJ Thurmond Morris ART
Ascension Cosmos Oracle
StarCrossed Alien Cosmos
Tagged with: ABC Alien ET COmmunity America CBS CNN Donald Trump ERA COP Fox Future MEDIA MSN MSNBC PBS President theresa j morris TJ Morris Media TJ Thurmond Morris USA

Theresa J Morris, Author, Paranormal Investigator, Radio Host for various tracks including paranormal, spirituality,,,See,,,,,,,,,,, Founder of StarCrossed Support Group,Star Cross Support Group is a creation of Alien Contact Organization (ACO). Theresa J Thurmond Morris also known as TJ Morris is the author of Roswell Encounters and Taken. She is known as Theresa J Morris, an Experiencer. Theresa was Taken on many occasions by extra-terrestrials. Her story has been told as : “Taken”the age of 4 and left in a field down from her home in 1955. She was continually visited by these “ET” people who look like us and also went to White Sands, New Mexico where she was taken aboard a ship. Her space family looks like humans. Her experiences with aliens include Humanoids of white, pink, and pale blue along with the short greys. Her life is about “Ascension Age” and comparing her story with others. She began a spiritual quest to find others who had similar stories. Her life leads to several types of experiences with extra-terrestrials.

AmericanNewsBloger on President Trump & Aliens

America's News Blogger TJ Morris ET Spirit Guide shares

Theresa J Morris, Author, Paranormal Investigator, Radio Host for various tracks including paranormal, spirituality,,,See,,,,,,,,,,, Founder of StarCrossed Support Group,Star Cross Support Group is a creation of Alien Contact Organization (ACO). Theresa J Thurmond Morris also known as TJ Morris is the author of Roswell Encounters and Taken. She is known as Theresa J Morris, an Experiencer. Theresa was Taken on many occasions by extra-terrestrials. Her story has been told as : “Taken”the age of 4 and left in a field down from her home in 1955. She was continually visited by these “ET” people who look like us and also went to White Sands, New Mexico where she was taken aboard a ship. Her space family looks like humans. Her experiences with aliens include Humanoids of white, pink, and pale blue along with the short greys. Her life is about “Ascension Age” and comparing her story with others. She began a spiritual quest to find others who had similar stories. Her life leads to several types of experiences with extra-terrestrials.


Theresa J Morris
Cosmos Radios
TJ Morris ET Radio
Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris ·
Speaker/Educator at Theresa J Morris
I went between all the major networks watching the Media, ABC,CBS, CNN, NBC, PBC, AND EVEN FOX. It was so obvious that all stations were sharing shock and awe. So many speakers were using “Uh, uh” and they were showing dismay and acted lost. It is time to wake up MEDIA with “Get the Facts – Basics of who, what, when, where, why, how, and sometimes how long, and how much.” Fact Checking the SOURCES and Naming them and stop assuming and attempting to shift the blame on FEAR. Be responsible MEDIA for knowing people – America pay attention to Education and Economy. What do we all want to make better for all? Life in general and the basics of food, clothing, shelter, and the ways and means to make the world a better place which includes responsible reporting. We take care of Americans first then share the wealth with our “MADE IN THE USA” products and services! Report that and be proud to be American. It’s obvious that MEDIA is needing to be revised and revamped. I will do my part to be truthful as an American. TJ Morris American.
by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
 The Following is a REPRINT because we need REMINDING of what is REAL and what is American.

Source: UFODigest.Com URL:

Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris writes about people, places, and things pertaining to “Alien Civilizations Exist!” She is a believer and supporter of the future and the accepts that other solar systems and ascended beings exist! She believes that we are not alone in this universe and that we are being visited by other beings more sophisticated than ourselves. She would be glad to speak on the subject and why she believes so strongly. You can read her articles and books.
by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris 
Posted: 16:00 May 16, 2008

The President of the future America will gain the most powerful position in the world. The next President of the United States will have the power it takes to make all the changes needed at this time on earth. Change is of the times and must happen. This is a time of revealing. This is the PRESIDENT OF FUTURE AMERICA, ET CHANGES OUR FUTURE.
The person who becomes the next president bests be a person with high morals and ethics and know that the people want to know the truth of intelligent beings above in extraterrestrial space. ETs, aliens, those beings that re flying the spacecraft in space are real sentient intelligent beings and it is time we all share in the knowledge.
The next President of the United States had best be up on business and the economy and know that a gallon of gas is as high as a gallon of milk. But, people also want to know the truth about the extra terrestrials flying above earth which have always been a apart of our earthly heritage. The Ufo Hunters and History Channel is only the beginning of the revealing.
Knowing about foreign policy is great but also about the intelligent beings visiting earth. People are beginning to wake up to their own value as voters and politics and religion are becoming dirty words.
I love America, and my blood is blue until I am cut, then it turns red when combined with the outside oxygen. America is bleeding red more now than in the past when we could hold our own blue blood. Now we are bleeding red while the whole world watches. We as Americans must not only look inside our own being but outside as we are part of the whole world. We the microcosms are part of the macrocosm. We are a little world in the universe. America is the heard heartbeat of this world. We are part of the whole but the best part. I venture to say that we are the heart of the world and when we bleed the world bleeds with us.I find it ironic that the Democrats use blue and the Republicans use red as the major party colors. Cut the stars from the stripes before burning our flag. This is the way it is supposed to be done in America to those who become old and ragged. Those of you that are flying our flag take them down if they are old and ragged and burn them. Buy a new one and keep the pride of our flag in tact with our pride of our President. The two icons for our country that means the most! How many American’s have lost their lives for the stars and stripes? How many Presidents have devoted their lives to our country?
America still means freedom, democracy, truth, culture, morals, ethics and traditions. The point is the colors mean something and so does America and our flag. We as Americans need to get back to the basics of life and honor our heritage. Change is good but there is room for the old and the new in America, always has been. We can now share our old ways with all the older countries of the world of which we are all a part but, we can still lead the world into the future. The world wants us to create happiness and success for all. It is the American way and it is contagious in this world.
Our leaders know of other worlds and other intelligent beings. Supreme Beings may not be our creators but there are some that are far more intelligent and belong to older civilizations. Our beliefs go back to our ancestors. Those who keep the wars going are fueling the fires of separation. The strongest religions on earth can be traced back to our ancestor’s beliefs. Look at the story of Abraham and the two sons which separated in the stories of our ancestors in the Holy Bible and Holy Quran. Both books and religions stem from the same story so why all the religious wars? They are simply stories in history of our ancestors past after arriving on earth. Fighting about the past is futile.
Regardless, we are all one humanoid species on earth. Religion spreads separation among the sentient intelligent beings species and we are all one and the same. We should not be fighting because of our beliefs of our past. We should have progressed past these futile fights and wars. Our President of the United States will need to promote a world without separation based on religious beliefs of our ancestors. There is a way to make the world a better place. We can honor cultural traditions without calling them religions and honor our land heritage based on birth without fighting turf wars.
We are alive on earth and in the future it will not matter which continent you arrived on at the time of birth. This label or stigmatism needs to disappear just like the colors of skin biases in the world. We have no say so as to what color our skin is at time of birth. We also have no say so as to what our location, and religion is at time of birth. Who really cares and why does it matter so? War is futile unless it is with others above whom are going to show up and desire to take our world from us. This is what the original stories and religions were for in the first place. To keep the real story of those who come from stellar space above in our conscious awareness. There are some who are like us as humanoids, and there are some that are not. The time is now to realize the truth about what all the fuss was really about with all the churches. This does not mean we have to give up the churches but we do have to give up the bias beliefs. Countries cannot continue to breed prejudice of religions. But, also, academics cannot keep breeding ignorance about our origin from earthly ooze or promoting Darwin’s theory. We are put here by others who are sentient intelligent beings and they look like us. The enemies are those who come from another part of the universe, that are of the warring kind and take what they want with no remorse about killing our kind.
There seem to be more concerns about daily lifestyles than who will be running our country. History proves that we will survive in America no matter what the rest of the world is doing. But, we cannot think that way in our future. We must accept that the President of future America also changes our future world. We are preparing for the changes and the careful planning of the world because it is time and this is the PRESIDENT OF FUTURE AMERICA, ET CHANGES OUR FUTURE. We have to accept that our whole world is home to all and what effects one part of our world as home effects us all in the world. We are all one sentient intelligent being species. We are all humanoids of the same DNA and genetic heritage.
There are many people in the United States that want what is right for our country. They want to have honest people elected to office to make changes where we see problems. We need people who have solutions and ones we all can agree too. Honest pay for an honest days work. That is the American philosophy. Now, we can barely afford to get to work due to fuel prices. We have to choose between needed drugs for our health and food and fuel. Food, clothing, and shelter, the basics now include fuel, health care, prescriptions, childcare, and the air that we breathe. We need someone who cares about not just America’s survival but, our world’s survival.
One thing that some American’s may not realize is that the world has been talking about dividing up the economy based on continents for years. This is why we can no longer just think that we can stand alone as Americans. We now have to consider that in order to survive in the global economy; we are going to have to accept an alliance of sort with Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and South America. International spending and our global economy is happening and we cannot change this, so, we adapt and overcome.
We need to begin realizing that there is no more “them and us”. There is only the “all of us in the world”. We are only one race of sentient intelligent being species on one planet.
We are still a super power that leads the way for how the world sees it’s self regarding our future economy. There are many countries keeping up with our economy and our politics. Sometimes, it feels as if others outside our own country knows more about our country that we as American’s do. The critical mass of our mental higher consciousness has changed. We are all aware of ourselves and our place on the planet.
Therefore, we need a President that knows that our home and people of America are all desiring change in America and global change. We need to all be working together and the United Nations was a good idea but, there needs to be a better way for all beings on earth to work together.
The thoughts of the Akashic Field and those of the Unified Field are all opening up to allow for all to be revealed to all of us who are open to receive the knowledge with open minds desiring to work together.
Many scholars and academics now addressing the Unified Field Theory and this too will change the world and the way we think about ourselves in the Meta universes. This is a time much like when Columbus sailed the oceans, or when any great discoverer realized there was much more to our lives and our world to discover. We always find more as we expand our own consciousness.
There is an overall world consciousness that is expanding much faster than ever before thanks to the Internet Highway and the World Wide Web. We can now talk openly and freely to the whole world, at least most of us can. We need to make sure that more of us can afford the tools to obtain entry into the new virtual other reality of existence for humankind. This is the way we now communicate with one another in our world.
We are headed to forming a control of votes by voting on computers. We will be able to vote for all our world leaders that can make changes for all of us. We will not even have to leave our own homes in the future. We can work from home on computers. We will also be able to control our homes security, our satellite communications, incoming and outgoing signals for our listening and visual pleasures. Many of us already receive education on Internet through colleges. There are new virtual games. We will have artificial intelligence life forms on earth in the future.
Technological advancements are here to stay. Changes are occurring so fast we cannot store all the information. We cannot let fear and religion control us. Believe in a higher power but not one that separates us with ignorance. People can be taught about ascension and their 22 grams of spirit energy leaving earth without using fear of death and what happens to the soul. The soul is energy that cannot be created or destroyed. Those that prove themselves morally and ethically strong may become future leaders. The charismatic intelligent beings are those who have stronger energy in their souls.
There are some very real and honest, trustworthy Americans and there will be more moral and ethical citizens coming to earth in our future. The war on poverty and drugs is very real. If there is a real cause to fight a war in the world, it is one against ignorance, famine, and poverty. We can lead the world by example, by letting your individual voice be heard in America by voting. We believe in America, and our red, white and blue. We believe in our world and are optimistic about our future. Share the knowledge of truth that alien civilizations exist and we are but one species on one planet.

TJ Thurmond Morris ART Ascension Cosmos Oracle StarCrossed Alien CosmosTJ Thurmond Morris ART
Ascension Cosmos Oracle
StarCrossed Alien Cosmos
Tagged with: ABC Alien ET COmmunity America CBS CNN Donald Trump ERA COP Fox Future MEDIA MSN MSNBC PBS President theresa j morris TJ Morris Media TJ Thurmond Morris USA

Theresa J Morris, Author, Paranormal Investigator, Radio Host for various tracks including paranormal, spirituality,,,See,,,,,,,,,,, Founder of StarCrossed Support Group,Star Cross Support Group is a creation of Alien Contact Organization (ACO). Theresa J Thurmond Morris also known as TJ Morris is the author of Roswell Encounters and Taken. She is known as Theresa J Morris, an Experiencer. Theresa was Taken on many occasions by extra-terrestrials. Her story has been told as : “Taken”the age of 4 and left in a field down from her home in 1955. She was continually visited by these “ET” people who look like us and also went to White Sands, New Mexico where she was taken aboard a ship. Her space family looks like humans. Her experiences with aliens include Humanoids of white, pink, and pale blue along with the short greys. Her life is about “Ascension Age” and comparing her story with others. She began a spiritual quest to find others who had similar stories. Her life leads to several types of experiences with extra-terrestrials.